
Uses of Class

Packages that use Easing
pulpcore.animation Provides classes for properties, property animation, and timelines. 
pulpcore.math Provides classes for arithmetic and geometry. 
pulpcore.sprite Provides the Sprite class, the ImageSprite class, and a few Sprite-based widgets. 

Uses of Easing in pulpcore.animation

Fields in pulpcore.animation declared as Easing
static Easing Easing.BACK_IN
static Easing Easing.BACK_IN_OUT
static Easing Easing.BACK_OUT
static Easing Easing.ELASTIC_IN
static Easing Easing.ELASTIC_IN_OUT
static Easing Easing.ELASTIC_OUT
static Easing Easing.NONE
static Easing Easing.REGULAR_IN
static Easing Easing.REGULAR_IN_OUT
static Easing Easing.REGULAR_OUT
static Easing Easing.STRONG_IN
static Easing Easing.STRONG_IN_OUT
static Easing Easing.STRONG_OUT

Methods in pulpcore.animation that return Easing
 Easing Animation.getEasing()

Methods in pulpcore.animation with parameters of type Easing
 void Timeline.animate(Color property, int fromARGB, int toARGB, int duration, Easing easing)
 void Timeline.animate(Color property, int fromARGB, int toARGB, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
 void Fixed.animate(double fromValue, double toValue, int duration, Easing easing)
          Animates this property from the one double (fromValue) to another (toValue).
 void Fixed.animate(double fromValue, double toValue, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
          Animates this property from the one double (fromValue) to another (toValue).
 void Timeline.animate(Fixed property, double fromValue, double toValue, int duration, Easing easing)
 void Timeline.animate(Fixed property, double fromValue, double toValue, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
 void Timeline.animate(Fixed property, int fromValue, int toValue, int duration, Easing easing)
 void Timeline.animate(Fixed property, int fromValue, int toValue, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
 void Int.animate(int fromValue, int toValue, int duration, Easing easing)
          Animates this Int from the one value (fromValue) to another (toValue).
 void Fixed.animate(int fromValue, int toValue, int duration, Easing easing)
          Animates this property from the one integer (fromValue) to another (toValue).
 void Color.animate(int fromARGB, int toARGB, int duration, Easing easing)
          Animates this Int from the one value (fromValue) to another (toValue).
 void Int.animate(int fromValue, int toValue, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
          Animates this Int from the one value (fromValue) to another (toValue).
 void Fixed.animate(int fromValue, int toValue, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
          Animates this property from the one integer (fromValue) to another (toValue).
 void Color.animate(int fromARGB, int toARGB, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
          Animates this Int from the one value (fromValue) to another (toValue).
 void Timeline.animate(Int property, int fromValue, int toValue, int duration, Easing easing)
 void Timeline.animate(Int property, int fromValue, int toValue, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
 void Timeline.animateAsFixed(Fixed property, int fFromValue, int fToValue, int duration, Easing easing)
 void Timeline.animateAsFixed(Fixed property, int fFromValue, int fToValue, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
 void Fixed.animateAsFixed(int fFromValue, int fToValue, int duration, Easing easing)
          Animates this property from the one fixed-point value (fFromValue) to another (fToValue).
 void Fixed.animateAsFixed(int fFromValue, int fToValue, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
          Animates this property from the one fixed-point value (fFromValue) to another (fToValue).
 void Timeline.animateTo(Color property, int toARGB, int duration, Easing easing)
 void Timeline.animateTo(Color property, int toARGB, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
 void Fixed.animateTo(double toValue, int duration, Easing easing)
          Animates this property from the current value to the specified double.
 void Fixed.animateTo(double toValue, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
          Animates this property from the current value to the specified double.
 void Timeline.animateTo(Fixed property, double toValue, int duration, Easing easing)
 void Timeline.animateTo(Fixed property, double toValue, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
 void Timeline.animateTo(Fixed property, int toValue, int duration, Easing easing)
 void Timeline.animateTo(Fixed property, int toValue, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
 void Int.animateTo(int toValue, int duration, Easing easing)
          Animates this Int from the current value to the specified value.
 void Fixed.animateTo(int toValue, int duration, Easing easing)
          Animates this property from the current value to the specified integer.
 void Color.animateTo(int toARGB, int duration, Easing easing)
          Animates this Int from the current value to the specified value.
 void Int.animateTo(int toValue, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
          Animates this Int from the current value to the specified value.
 void Fixed.animateTo(int toValue, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
          Animates this property from the current value to the specified integer.
 void Color.animateTo(int toARGB, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
          Animates this Int from the current value to the specified value.
 void Timeline.animateTo(Int property, int toValue, int duration, Easing easing)
 void Timeline.animateTo(Int property, int toValue, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
 void Timeline.animateToFixed(Fixed property, int fToValue, int duration, Easing easing)
 void Timeline.animateToFixed(Fixed property, int fToValue, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
 void Fixed.animateToFixed(int fToValue, int duration, Easing easing)
          Animates this property from the current value to the specified fixed-point value.
 void Fixed.animateToFixed(int fToValue, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
          Animates this property from the current value to the specified fixed-point value.
 void Timeline.move(Sprite sprite, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, int duration, Easing easing)
 void Timeline.move(Sprite sprite, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
 void Timeline.move(Sprite sprite, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int duration, Easing easing)
 void Timeline.move(Sprite sprite, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
 void Timeline.move(Sprite sprite, Path path, double startP, double endP, int duration, Easing easing)
 void Timeline.move(Sprite sprite, Path path, double startP, double endP, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
 void Timeline.moveAndRotate(Sprite sprite, Path path, double startP, double endP, int duration, Easing easing)
 void Timeline.moveAndRotate(Sprite sprite, Path path, double startP, double endP, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
 void Timeline.moveTo(Sprite sprite, double x, double y, int duration, Easing easing)
 void Timeline.moveTo(Sprite sprite, double x, double y, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
 void Timeline.moveTo(Sprite sprite, int x, int y, int duration, Easing easing)
 void Timeline.moveTo(Sprite sprite, int x, int y, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
 void Timeline.scale(Sprite sprite, double width1, double height1, double width2, double height2, int duration, Easing easing)
 void Timeline.scale(Sprite sprite, double width1, double height1, double width2, double height2, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
 void Timeline.scale(Sprite sprite, int width1, int height1, int width2, int height2, int duration, Easing easing)
 void Timeline.scale(Sprite sprite, int width1, int height1, int width2, int height2, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
 void Timeline.scaleTo(Sprite sprite, double width, double height, int duration, Easing easing)
 void Timeline.scaleTo(Sprite sprite, double width, double height, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
 void Timeline.scaleTo(Sprite sprite, int width, int height, int duration, Easing easing)
 void Timeline.scaleTo(Sprite sprite, int width, int height, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)

Constructors in pulpcore.animation with parameters of type Easing
Animation(int duration, Easing easing)
Animation(int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
Easing(Easing easing, double strength)
Timeline(Easing easing)
Timeline(Easing easing, int startDelay)
Tween(int fromValue, int toValue, int duration, Easing easing)
Tween(int fromValue, int toValue, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)

Uses of Easing in pulpcore.math

Methods in pulpcore.math with parameters of type Easing
 void Path.guide(Timeline timeline, Sprite sprite, double startP, double endP, int duration, Easing easing)
 void Path.guide(Timeline timeline, Sprite sprite, double startP, double endP, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
 void Path.guide(Timeline timeline, Sprite sprite, int duration, Easing easing)
 void Path.guide(Timeline timeline, Sprite sprite, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
 void Path.guideBackwards(Timeline timeline, Sprite sprite, int duration, Easing easing)
 void Path.guideBackwards(Timeline timeline, Sprite sprite, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
 void Path.move(Sprite sprite, double startP, double endP, int duration, Easing easing)
          Moves a sprite along this path.
 void Path.move(Sprite sprite, double startP, double endP, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
          Moves a sprite along this path.
 void Path.moveAndRotate(Sprite sprite, double startP, double endP, int duration, Easing easing)
          Moves a sprite along this path, rotating the sprite so that it is tangent to the path at all times.
 void Path.moveAndRotate(Sprite sprite, double startP, double endP, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
          Moves a sprite along this path, rotating the sprite so that it is tangent to the path at all times.
 void Path.moveAndRotateOnTimeline(Timeline timeline, Sprite sprite, double startP, double endP, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
          Moves a sprite along this path, rotating the sprite so that it is tangent to the path at all times.
 void Path.moveOnTimeline(Timeline timeline, Sprite sprite, double startP, double endP, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
          Moves a sprite along this path.

Uses of Easing in pulpcore.sprite

Methods in pulpcore.sprite with parameters of type Easing
 void Sprite.move(double startX, double startY, double endX, double endY, int duration, Easing easing)
 void Sprite.move(double startX, double startY, double endX, double endY, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
 void Sprite.move(int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY, int duration, Easing easing)
 void Sprite.move(int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
 void Sprite.moveTo(double x, double y, int duration, Easing easing)
 void Sprite.moveTo(double x, double y, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
 void Sprite.moveTo(int x, int y, int duration, Easing easing)
 void Sprite.moveTo(int x, int y, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
 void Sprite.scale(double width1, double height1, double width2, double height2, int duration, Easing easing)
 void Sprite.scale(double width1, double height1, double width2, double height2, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
 void Sprite.scale(int width1, int height1, int width2, int height2, int duration, Easing easing)
 void Sprite.scale(int width1, int height1, int width2, int height2, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
 void Sprite.scaleTo(double width, double height, int duration, Easing easing)
 void Sprite.scaleTo(double width, double height, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)
 void Sprite.scaleTo(int width, int height, int duration, Easing easing)
 void Sprite.scaleTo(int width, int height, int duration, Easing easing, int startDelay)


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