
Package pulpcore.sprite

Provides the Sprite class, the ImageSprite class, and a few Sprite-based widgets.


Class Summary
Button The Button is a Sprite that behaves like a common UI push button.
FilledSprite Solid-colored rectangular shaped sprite.
Group A container of Sprites.
ImageSprite An image-based sprite.
Label The Label is a Sprite that displays text.
ScrollPane A ScrollPane is a Viewport with scroll bars that appear as needed.
Slider A Slider is a widget that lets the user select a value by sliding a knob.
Sprite The superclass of all sprites.
StretchableSprite Stretchable sprites are sprites that, when scaled, draw the "static" sections normally and scale the "stretchable" sections.
TextField The TextField is a Sprite that behaves like a common UI text input field.
Viewport A Viewport is a Group whose contents can scroll, and the contents outside the bounds of the Group are not visible.

Package pulpcore.sprite Description

Provides the Sprite class, the ImageSprite class, and a few Sprite-based widgets.


Copyright © 2007-2009 Interactive Pulp, LLC.