
Class Button

  extended by pulpcore.sprite.Sprite
      extended by pulpcore.sprite.ImageSprite
          extended by pulpcore.sprite.Button
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Button
extends ImageSprite

The Button is a Sprite that behaves like a common UI push button. A Button has three visual states: normal, hover, and pressed. Call isClicked() to check if the user clicked the button. By default, a Button's cursor is Input.CURSOR_HAND.

By default, Buttons use pixel level checking for intersection tests. Use ImageSprite.setPixelLevelChecks(boolean) to disable this feature.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class pulpcore.sprite.ImageSprite
Fields inherited from class pulpcore.sprite.Sprite
alpha, anchorX, anchorY, angle, CENTER, DEFAULT, EAST, enabled, height, NORTH, NORTH_EAST, NORTH_WEST, pixelSnapping, SOUTH, SOUTH_EAST, SOUTH_WEST, visible, WEST, width, x, y
Constructor Summary
Button(CoreImage[] images, double x, double y)
Button(CoreImage[] images, double x, double y, boolean isToggleButton)
Button(CoreImage[] images, int x, int y)
Button(CoreImage[] images, int x, int y, boolean isToggleButton)
Method Summary
 void clearKeyBinding()
          Clears the key binding for this button.
static Button createLabeledButton(CoreImage[] images, CoreFont font, String text, int x, int y)
static Button createLabeledButton(CoreImage[] images, CoreFont font, String text, int x, int y, int textX, int textY, double textAnchorX, double textAnchorY, boolean offsetPressedText)
static Button createLabeledButton(CoreImage[] images, CoreFont font, String text, int x, int y, int textX, int textY, double textAnchorX, double textAnchorY, boolean isToggleButton, boolean offsetPressedText)
static Button createLabeledButton(CoreImage[] images, CoreFont font, String text, int x, int y, int textX, int textY, int textAnchor, boolean offsetPressedText)
static Button createLabeledButton(CoreImage[] images, CoreFont font, String text, int x, int y, int textX, int textY, int textAnchor, boolean isToggleButton, boolean offsetPressedText)
static Button createLabeledButton(String text, int x, int y)
static Button createLabeledToggleButton(CoreImage[] images, CoreFont font, String text, int x, int y)
static Button createLabeledToggleButton(CoreImage[] images, CoreFont font, String text, int x, int y, int textX, int textY, double textAnchorX, double textAnchorY, boolean offsetPressedText)
static Button createLabeledToggleButton(CoreImage[] images, CoreFont font, String text, int x, int y, int textX, int textY, int textAnchor, boolean offsetPressedText)
static Button createLabeledToggleButton(String text, int x, int y)
 int[] getKeyBinding()
          Gets a copy of the key bindings for this button.
 boolean isClicked()
          Determines if this button was clicked since the last frame.
 boolean isPressedDown()
          Determines if this button was pressed and the mouse is still held down over the button.
 boolean isSelected()
          Determines if this button is selected.
 boolean isToggleButton()
 void setKeyBinding(int keyCode)
          Sets the key binding for this button to the specified key code.
 void setKeyBinding(int[] keyCodes)
          Sets the key binding for this button to the specified key codes.
 void setSelected(boolean isSelected)
          Sets whether this button is selected.
 void update(int elapsedTime)
          Updates all of this Sprite's properties.
Methods inherited from class pulpcore.sprite.ImageSprite
drawSprite, getImage, getNaturalHeight, getNaturalWidth, getPixelLevelChecks, isOpaque, isTransparent, propertyChange, setAnchor, setAnchorToHotSpot, setImage, setImage, setPixelLevelChecks
Methods inherited from class pulpcore.sprite.Sprite
bindLocationTo, bindSizeTo, clearCursor, clearDirtyRect, contains, draw, getBlendMode, getCursor, getDirtyRect, getFilter, getLocalX, getLocalY, getParent, getRoot, getScene2D, getTag, getViewX, getViewX, getViewY, getViewY, intersects, isDirty, isEnabled, isEnabledAndVisible, isMouseDoubleClicked, isMouseDown, isMouseHover, isMouseOver, isMousePressed, isMouseReleased, isMouseTripleClicked, isMouseWheelRotated, isPick, isPickEnabledAndVisible, move, move, move, move, move, move, moveTo, moveTo, moveTo, moveTo, moveTo, moveTo, removeFromParent, scale, scale, scale, scale, scale, scale, scaleTo, scaleTo, scaleTo, scaleTo, scaleTo, scaleTo, setAnchor, setBlendMode, setCursor, setDirty, setFilter, setLocation, setLocation, setSize, setSize, setTag, translate, translate, updateDirtyRect
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Button(CoreImage[] images,
              int x,
              int y)
images - an array of three images: normal, hover, and pressed.


public Button(CoreImage[] images,
              int x,
              int y,
              boolean isToggleButton)
images - an array of three images: normal, hover, and pressed. Use six images for toggle buttons (unselected and selected).


public Button(CoreImage[] images,
              double x,
              double y)
images - an array of three images: normal, hover, and pressed.


public Button(CoreImage[] images,
              double x,
              double y,
              boolean isToggleButton)
images - an array of three images: normal, hover, and pressed. Use six images for toggle buttons (unselected and selected).
Method Detail


public boolean isToggleButton()
true if this button is a toggle button, false otherwise


public int[] getKeyBinding()
Gets a copy of the key bindings for this button. A button has no key bindings by default.

the key bindings for this button, or null if there are no key bindings.
See Also:
setKeyBinding(int), setKeyBinding(int[]), clearKeyBinding()


public void clearKeyBinding()
Clears the key binding for this button.

See Also:
getKeyBinding(), setKeyBinding(int), setKeyBinding(int[])


public void setKeyBinding(int keyCode)
Sets the key binding for this button to the specified key code. The button is considered "clicked" if that key is pressed and released.

See Also:
getKeyBinding(), setKeyBinding(int[]), clearKeyBinding()


public void setKeyBinding(int[] keyCodes)
Sets the key binding for this button to the specified key codes. The button is considered "clicked" if any of those keys are pressed and released.

See Also:
getKeyBinding(), setKeyBinding(int), clearKeyBinding()


public void setSelected(boolean isSelected)
Sets whether this button is selected. For toggle buttons only.


public boolean isSelected()
Determines if this button is selected. For toggle buttons only.


public void update(int elapsedTime)
Description copied from class: Sprite
Updates all of this Sprite's properties. Subclasses that override this method should call super.update().

update in class ImageSprite


public boolean isClicked()
Determines if this button was clicked since the last frame.

true if this button was clicked since the last frame.


public boolean isPressedDown()
Determines if this button was pressed and the mouse is still held down over the button. This method continues to returns true as long as the mouse is pressed and still over the button.

To detect a click, use isClicked().


public static Button createLabeledButton(String text,
                                         int x,
                                         int y)


public static Button createLabeledToggleButton(String text,
                                               int x,
                                               int y)


public static Button createLabeledButton(CoreImage[] images,
                                         CoreFont font,
                                         String text,
                                         int x,
                                         int y)


public static Button createLabeledButton(CoreImage[] images,
                                         CoreFont font,
                                         String text,
                                         int x,
                                         int y,
                                         int textX,
                                         int textY,
                                         int textAnchor,
                                         boolean offsetPressedText)


public static Button createLabeledButton(CoreImage[] images,
                                         CoreFont font,
                                         String text,
                                         int x,
                                         int y,
                                         int textX,
                                         int textY,
                                         double textAnchorX,
                                         double textAnchorY,
                                         boolean offsetPressedText)


public static Button createLabeledToggleButton(CoreImage[] images,
                                               CoreFont font,
                                               String text,
                                               int x,
                                               int y)


public static Button createLabeledToggleButton(CoreImage[] images,
                                               CoreFont font,
                                               String text,
                                               int x,
                                               int y,
                                               int textX,
                                               int textY,
                                               int textAnchor,
                                               boolean offsetPressedText)


public static Button createLabeledToggleButton(CoreImage[] images,
                                               CoreFont font,
                                               String text,
                                               int x,
                                               int y,
                                               int textX,
                                               int textY,
                                               double textAnchorX,
                                               double textAnchorY,
                                               boolean offsetPressedText)


public static Button createLabeledButton(CoreImage[] images,
                                         CoreFont font,
                                         String text,
                                         int x,
                                         int y,
                                         int textX,
                                         int textY,
                                         int textAnchor,
                                         boolean isToggleButton,
                                         boolean offsetPressedText)

images - the images to use. If null, simple gray images are created to fit the text
font - the font to use for rendering the text label. If null, the system font is used.
offsetPressedText - Set to true to offset the button's text when the button is pressed.


public static Button createLabeledButton(CoreImage[] images,
                                         CoreFont font,
                                         String text,
                                         int x,
                                         int y,
                                         int textX,
                                         int textY,
                                         double textAnchorX,
                                         double textAnchorY,
                                         boolean isToggleButton,
                                         boolean offsetPressedText)
images - the images to use. If null, simple gray images are created to fit the text
font - the font to use for rendering the text label. If null, the system font is used.
offsetPressedText - Set to true to offset the button's text when the button is pressed.


Copyright © 2007-2009 Interactive Pulp, LLC.