
Package pulpcore.animation

Provides classes for properties, property animation, and timelines.


Interface Summary
Behavior A Behavior controls how a Property's value changes over time.
BindFunction The BindFunction class allows Properties to be bound to a function.
PropertyListener The PropertyListener is the listener interface for receiving notification when a Property's value has changed.

Class Summary
Animation An Animation changes state over a specific duration.
Bool An Bool is an boolean value that can be animated over time.
Color An Color is a 32-bit ARGB value that can be animated over time.
Easing The Easing class provides functions to ease property animation in a non-linear way.
Fixed A Fixed is an fixed-point value (16 bits integer, 16 bits fraction) that can be animated over time.
Int An Int is an integer value that can be animated over time.
Property The Property class is the base class for animating values.
Timeline A Timeline is a list of Animations.

Package pulpcore.animation Description

Provides classes for properties, property animation, and timelines.

There are four properties (each extends the Property class): Bool (boolean), Int (32-bit integer), Fixed (16:16 fixed-point value), and Color (ARGB color).

A property may have a Behavior which controls how its value changes over time. A common behavior is a Tween, which animates a property from one value to another over time, optionally with an Easing to make the tween look more natural.

A property may have a PropertyListener that is notified when the property's value changes.

A Timeline is a collection of Property/Behavior pairs, TimelineEvents, other Timelines, or other subclasses of Animation.


Copyright © 2007-2009 Interactive Pulp, LLC.